
Friday, May 8, 2009

My new job

It has been such a blessing to find a job in these times of trouble. To think of it, I have been teaching in the Montessori school for about a month now, maybe a little shy of a week. And it has been such a great experience. I am starting to find that children are very innocent and forgiving. And no matter how well or bad you treat them, they will still love you. I have been a softy all the time when disciplining children are concerned. Fortunately, teaching here makes me think twice. If I can put Clara under control, why not these rowdy kids. It was indeed a very trying time at the beginning. And it helps me greatly to learn quickly too to be kind and firm at the same time. I realized that children will go to any extend to test water. Especially so with the American kids. For they hardly had discipline at home. So they tested and tested me and now they realized that I can be fun and at the same time serious.
It is after some very trying experiences that made me determined to win the battle. Must know what fight to pick. With much prayer, I was inspired to read a book called, "Kid cooperation". Just wanting to find ideas as to how to deal with certain situations. And sure enough, all the incidences that I went through were written in this book. So I learn to apply the methods suggested. They do work !!!!. But i think things got better because i prayed for them everyday.
For Mother's Day, some children were telling their parents to buy gifts for me. It really touched my heart to know that they do appreciate me. A little boy jokingly said that he needn't listen to me. I decided to have a serious talk with him. And he cried when I called him. After the talk, he seemed to have forgotten the incident, but in my mind, I was still serious. And this is one of the little boy that bought me a gift. So sweet ! We never again had any problem listening.
Wish i could write a book on my experience each day.

Friday, May 1, 2009


So glad to have artichokes growing in my garden. This is such a good plant and thank GOD for helping them to grow. It is a miracle to have mine so early as the research that i did said that it will only produce fruits after the 2nd or 3rd year. But this is the first year after i planted it.
I know the LORD has blessed all the plants that i have put in the ground. And I am ever so thankful for them. Right now, I think there are about 11 artichokes altogether.
Thank You, Jesus for this vegetable.