
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Collyer Quay-- where the merlions stay

The last time we visited Singapore was 8 years ago. And even when we were there 8 years ago, we did not really get the chance to look around. This time, we were much more privileged to "tour" around Singapore.
Through the kindness of our friends and relatives, we were able to see more of Singapore. This little country has changed so much through the years. We can hardly remember places where we had been before or places that we remembered were there. For example this place is called the Collyer Quay. It has changed so much just beyond our imagination. The only thing that did not change was the humid and hot weather.
Along CQ, there were more shops and restaurants. More lands had been reclaimed from the sea, and more buildings were constructed there. There were now 2 merlions instead of one... A baby merlion and a papa merlion.
The restaurants catered more for high ended customers. The food catered there were in smaller portions and more fine dinning style. A good place to visit..yes. One should try once in a while to live the life if one can afford it.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Flags edition

Correction to the blog before. These flags are flags of the states of Malaysia. It is interesting to learn how many states there are in Malaysia.


We were able to visit this mini asian place in Malacca per kindness of our dear friends, Ai Hoon and Kum Meng.
In the back of this building were old kampong houses which the Malays lived in past years.
Now they were just houses for displaying purposes. The stores along this cultural center carried handmade toys and souvenirs. An interesting place to visit when you go there.
Along this path were flags of all the countries... and it would be fun to play a game of identifying the flags.
When you get a chance to visit Malaysia, don't forget to pay this place a visit. You will be amazed at what the Malays can do with their hands.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I am back !

I will be back here now. It has been a long time since I go on my blog.
Well, there are exciting things that had happened in the past few months since my absence. So i will be posting them soon.
Do check on my blog to learn more.
See ya ......