
Monday, November 17, 2008

Month of November

Announcements and more announcements.... this seems to be a month for births and weddings...
Here is Katie Hohertz. She was born to Erna and Jeff on the 10th of November. Very healthy and a beautiful little girl.
Sister Lana wide eyes showed her surprise that her Christmas wish came early. She had been asking for a sister and she got it in November !
We want to wish the Hohertz a very happy and healthy family.
And congratulations too for having such a beautiful baby girl !

Xiao Wen

This is our friend Xiao Wen from church. She left us to go to Chicago to be a professor in a University.
This is her whirlwind wedding. She met this husband of hers for only a month and got married within that month.
We are happy for her but we are also worried as this thing happened too fast.
Well, I should not say too much becuz this is very individual. Some people have it quick while others take years to walk down the aisle. Just hope that those who are taking so long will hurry up a little. ha hahaa...
We want to wish them happiness and love.

Baby Cyrus

This is baby Cyrus. He is Clara's little baby brother who came into the world at the time when California's homes were on fire. He was born Nov.12 2008. He weighs 8 lbs and 13ozs with length of 21 inches. A big baby ! Yesterday, 11/16/08, their home was in the midst of the fire.
We took 40 mins to try to get to their home as there were blockage everywhere.
But we were glad that they are all safe and we managed to go to the hospital to visit this little one. We want to wish the parents God's blessings as they learn to raise this little one.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Heart to heart

It was good to see a lot of people yesterday whom we have not seen for years at church.
A friend was very tearful as her son had not been going to church and on top of that, he has been into smoking and drinking.
As a mother, I can understand how she feels although, I am very thankful that my children have not gotten those habits. But I feel for her and her worries for her son.
Both of us want very much for our children to love the LORD and stay in the faith. Unfortunately, things happened and our children are out of the church. But our prayers are always with them. It is our prayer day and night that our children will return to the LORD's side. He is coming soon to take us all home to Heaven.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Someone has a Birthday !

A Birthday, a birthday, oh who has had a birthday....
Our handyman/chef/father/husband celebrated his Birthday last night at Coconut Bay.
We won't tell how old he is, but he is pretty happy to be at that age becuz he now will be able to enjoy discounts in certain places.
We are glad that he is graciously aging...... not everyone can age with grace.
Happy Birthday !

Monday, November 10, 2008

Is that a baby kangeroo???

That is not a baby kangeroo... it is Chuck who came for a visit. Chuck is a funny little dog. I can tell that he knows and loves us for his tail is constantly wagging when he sees us. He loves to be near people and loves to sleep on laps.
He has learned a new trick this time he came to visit. He learned how to shake his hand. It is a BIG accomplishment becuz according to his human mommy, he has ADHD or ADD.... Ha ha haa..
The last time he came as a guest, he bit through my bread container and ate my bread. Oh, this time, he left a very valuable gift... his poop ! It was funny trying to make him stop pooping.He didn't care and kept on doing what he wanted and intended to do.
Therefore, he is a funny dog ! But he is welcome to visit again becuz he will be learning more tricks.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A loner

When Mr and Mrs Pitts gave us this little mandarin tree, it had over 20 pieces of mandarin oranges. They were very tart and small though. This year, only one was produced.
I wonder if it will be sweet or tart. Will wait till it is fully ripe before picking it. My precious one and only fruit !

My beautiful flowers

Every year, I look forward to see these flowers blooming. They are growing so well again this year.
So proud of them. Love to cut them and put them on display in the home.
What beautiful flowers !

Here is my friend

Here is my friend, Ai Hoon and her husband, Kum Meng.
They must be so proud and happy for their little girl....They look so happy and she does look good in brown. Hopefully she will make trips to Canada to see their daughter, so they can detour here to see me as well....
ha ha haaa....

My best friend's daughter's wedding

On Sept 7, 2008, Yuin Yee and Richard tied the knot. It must be a very happy occasion for my best friend, Ai Hoon. Yuin Yee is the baby of the family. Looks like Richard is going to be a wonderful husband to her. They all look so happy...
They are both now residing in Canada where he and his family live. We want to wish Yuin Yee and Richard a very happy and long married life.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A new quilt

A quilt that I have been working on for the past few days. It started out as small pieces of squares. The more fabric added onto it, the bigger it becomes. Now it is like a twin size bedspread.
It has been a long time since I made quilts. Satisfied? Sort of. Wish i had better matching colors. Just have a thought on this. Quilts are like our lives. We started out small and as we live on, we add people or things to our lives. And gradually we have a lot, and our squares of knowledge, friends, possessions, and many others grow bigger.