
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Drunk driver

A very sad news to announce: A friend from Norwalk church whose life was taken away suddenly by a drunk driver.
They have 3 very young children and a beautiful big house that they bought in Texas a year ago..
Linda and Lance Shetler are a loving couple and they are also people who will not hesitate to help when the church needs helpers.
The day before while Lance was driving, he was hit by a drunk driver and was killed.
Our hearts go out to them especially the little children who will not see their dad again until Jesus comes.
We are very sad but we know that we will all meet again in heaven when Jesus comes. As Jesus has promised that when He comes, He will awaken all those who had rested in Him.
We don't know the reason why Lance was taken away, but we know that there is a very good reason, and we look forward to see him again when Christ returns.
So let us keep faithful to God so that when He comes, we will be able to go home with Him.
We want to offer our prayers and extend our love to Linda and her 3 little ones.
Don't forget God's promises and He will reveal all the mysteries that are so puzzling to us today.( Of course this is a war that Satan is fighting with God..thus all these unfortunate things happen becuz Satan is trying to say that God is not a loving God)
But we will understand everything and will praise God and give glory to Him for everything that happened.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Now compare the looks

Now try to compare to
see if you can see the resemblance
....ha haa

A Craig's lookalike

When we first saw this star on the chinese channel, we didn't think too much of it...until we noticed his facial expressions and mannerism. He reminded me of someone we knew. And eventually, we realized that he looks like Craig. This picture may not be the best one to show it, but the more we look at him, the more he looks like Craig or Craig like him.
It is just weird !

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Chins

I have no idea why more of the Chins turned up to meet with Craig and Eva than the Wees.
Anyways, I heard that Craig gave a very impressive impression to this group.
And they are even talking about meeting up again next, us included.
We shall see how things will be this coming new year before we make plans to travel.

Part of the family reunion

This was Eva and Craig meeting some of the Wee family. It was unfortunate that not everyone was able to make the appointment, I am sure that Eva and Craig were happy just meeting up with these uncles and auntie of theirs.
It is a blessing to be able to go on this trip to see people and places that she has not seen for a long long time.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Year end summary

This year 2008 has been a great year. So far, there is nothing to complain about.
Roland has retired from his handyman's job sometime in November. And is now working full time at home. We are glad to say that we have a brand new looking kitchen, a wood floor in our bedroom, and a rock climbing equipment in the garage for us all.
As for me, the short one year of baby sitting Clara has changed my life tremendously. We had enjoyed each other as long as she was here. Now i am just staying home and doing some arts and crafts hoping to sell them sometime soon.
Derek has his own new development with his job and his website plans. He has now added another person to his life which is a delight to us. Charmaine is a very nice girl that we all love like we love our children, and she has been just very pleasant to have around. Hope that they will tie their knots soon.
Eva's business in the wedding industry has taken off and she has been busy all year long. Now she and Craig have gone overseas to enjoy a vacation that is much needed. We are looking forward to their return soon.
Sebastian has been staying with us in the absence of his master and mistress. So far he has been good except this past Friday. He ate a whole loaf of the bread that i have baked. He was not hungry after that for the rest of the day. Guess he had filled his tummy with the yummy bread.
We have all been in pretty good health, thank the LORD. Only on occasions, my back hurts from the accident i had in 2005. And one time when I had eaten some very unclean vegetarian foods....what a oxymoron.
Other than that, the LORD has been blessing us and there is nothing we can complain about.
We hope that next year will be a more blessed year to come....meaning that the world's economy will improve.
We want to wish all those who read our blogs a very Happy New Year ! And may God bless you too.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Awaiting their return

I am sure Sebastian is wondering where his master and mistress went?. It has been over a week and he still has not see them. Little did he know that they are enjoying themselves overseas.
Their trip so far has been filled with nothing but fun and foods. They are right now in Singapore and enjoying meeting the relatives and being treated to the delicious foods of Singppore.
Although they only have 2 short days to spend in her birthplace, she is totally enjoying every minute she has there. Tonight or tomorrow over there, they will be catching the coach back to Kuala Lumpur. And thereafter, they will fly to Taiwan.
We are counting the days of their return which will be the 24th of this month. Sebastian has no idea what day they will be back, but I am sure he is very ready to go home with them.
I am sure he enjoys the walks and food we gave him, but nothing can compare to home.
So Sebastian, you wait a few more days and you will see your mistress and master coming home.

Snow or ice?

Woke up this morning to find the front lawn covered with snow or ice.
The roofs of our home and the neighbor's were also covered with a thin layer of snow.
It must be pretty cold to have snow on these places.
I love this winter season and just so happy that we have this little bit of snow right at our doorstep.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

On their honeymoon

The Chious as seen here are on their way to their honeymoon in Asia.
This will be her first time after many years to travel back to her home town. She is totally elated and had just written that she is suffering from airsick. (transit in Taiwan)
Poor girl, what a start !
We want to wish her a better 2nd part of her journey.......

Monday, December 8, 2008


2 announcements to share with everyone. First off, I want to share with everyone the joy of inheriting my son's apple computer. It is the best computer for me as far as I am concern.
It can do a lot of things that I don't even know and will be learning more about it as time goes by.
Here I want to thank my son for sharing this blessing with me. Oh, one thing that I cannot get iphoto. Erego, no picture here to go with my thoughts. It seems to be gone. Help.... cuz i need my iphoto.
Second thing to announce is that Craig and Eva are going for a vacation in Malaysia, Spore and Taiwan. It is the first long distant vacation for Eva after more than 10 years of not visiting her birthplace. She is elated about this trip. And they will be leaving on Wednesday of this week.
So we want to wish them a safe trip and great enjoyment. Don't go crazy eating all the foods in Spore or you will come back a chunky girl....hahahaa !

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Isn't he cute !

This is actually a door post blocker.
That means to say that you can use it to block the wind seeping through the gap under the door.
It is custom made and again requests can be made for this.
Let me know if anyone is interested in ordering some.
There will be a rampage sale in January and these and others will be on sale. Details later. If there is anyone interested in buying or selling these for charity, let me know. There will be many other items available. Hats, shrugs, wraps, ponchos etc....


Here is a sample of one of the works I have been doing for the past few days. Thanksgiving had been wonderful and now we are moving on to Christmas.
As times are so bad this year, my gifts for the family will be homemade. If you like a hairband of such, make a request and it will be made for you.
My hands are busy these days and taking requests therefore had neglected my blog. Will be back when all work is done..