
Monday, December 8, 2008


2 announcements to share with everyone. First off, I want to share with everyone the joy of inheriting my son's apple computer. It is the best computer for me as far as I am concern.
It can do a lot of things that I don't even know and will be learning more about it as time goes by.
Here I want to thank my son for sharing this blessing with me. Oh, one thing that I cannot get iphoto. Erego, no picture here to go with my thoughts. It seems to be gone. Help.... cuz i need my iphoto.
Second thing to announce is that Craig and Eva are going for a vacation in Malaysia, Spore and Taiwan. It is the first long distant vacation for Eva after more than 10 years of not visiting her birthplace. She is elated about this trip. And they will be leaving on Wednesday of this week.
So we want to wish them a safe trip and great enjoyment. Don't go crazy eating all the foods in Spore or you will come back a chunky girl....hahahaa !

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