
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Vegetarian Restaurant

Sometimes we cannot rely on advertisements about things that are advertised.
We have heard an ad about this new Vegetarian Restaurant in Las Tunas. We shall keep its name secret to protect the business.
We visited it after a long search along La Tunas cuz we didn't have the address at hand. Just when we were about to throw in the towel, we saw it right in front of us.
It was formerly a cafe ran by a HK owner which had all kinds of authentic HK foods. Now it is a vegetarian restaurant.
The waitresses were very friendly and it was comfortable going there. We ordered some food and it didn't really take too long to come. The dishes that the food came in looked nice..mostly white and they also provided metal chopsticks. The food were very pricey- $8.95 and above per dish. The food came and they weren't as tasty as we expected them to be. After trying out this place, we decided that it will be our first and last meal there.

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