
Thursday, January 29, 2009

The biggest bullet ???

Is this the biggest bullet head you have ever seen? Ha hahaaa, no, this is the cover for the propeller for the Queen Mary.
I cannot imagine what the propeller looked like or how big until we saw it in the water. And it is indeed very huge. Beside it is the nut for QM too. I guess everything is humongous over there.

A trip to the Queen Mary

I have always heard about the Queen Mary and have never personally visited it. Yesterday, we were privileged to see it with my own two eyes.
It was a humongous ship to me. And we had fun walking around and reading the different informations on the boards. I am amazed at how it can carry thousands and thousands of people. The security supervisor told us that no other ship can go as fast as this one. In my mind I wonder how such a big ship could move so quickly in the waters and yet not sink. It is truly amazing to me.
We had a lot of walking to do and we even saw a movie crew doing a movie onboard. We don't know what the movie was called, but in the dinning room, we saw the title " Happy sweet 16 , Taylor " And i tried to see if i recognized any of the actors or actresses, but none.
We were very tired and hungry at the end of the tour. By the way, we got in for free. There is a special going on now. We all get to go in for free till the 31st of this month.
If you are interested, do go now before the special offer expires.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kuey Pai Ti

Have you seen or tasted Kuey Pai Ti before? Here is a picture of this tasty food.
Since it is Chinese New Year, I thought to make this for Reunion Dinner will just be the perfect food.
So there I went to the Singapore site to look for the recipe for this food. And I found this wonderful lady who was so willing to share her recipes with people. And wa lah, I was able to make it for my family to eat.
It is fun to make and easy too.
But most of all, the joy is to see how my family enjoy eating this food. These are just the shells. You put veges on it and it is indeed a very delicious food.
Happy Chinese New Year !

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another Birthday

Time really flies... and it has been 32 years since I gave birth to my oldest child. As his birthday is drawing nearer, my thoughts brought me back to those days when he was a little babe. He was a healthy 7 lbs 12 ozs little baby. Today, he weighs heavier than when he first came into the world, and he is taller than both of us.
Just cannot imagine where time has gone, and how he grows to be so big and so fast! He was a wonderful baby and now a wonderful adult. Our prayers for him now is to have him complete his life by having a family of his own, and serving God together with his family.
We want to wish him a preHappy Birthday now.
When you make a wish, please make my wish come true....hahahaaaa....
Pre Happy Birthday !

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


This is my loquat tree. It is as tall as I am..about 5 ft some.
Never expect it to flower yet, as we just had it in the ground for about 1 or 2 years. But look it is flowering now. Cannot wait to taste the fruits when they come out.
This picture is taken by my brand new camera. It is so clear and clean cut.
So happy for the camera and the flowers.

Birthday Celebration

Here I would like to thank all who came to my birthday celebration. I had a lot of fun and hope that all who came had too.
To my surprise and delight, my gifts are a kodak digital camera and a card from Michael's.
So happy to have the camera becuz my old faithful is not functioning as good as it was before. Very sad to replace it but a new camera is what I have been wishing for.
Thank you, my dear children,(all 4 of you) for giving me such a precious gift.
I will make very good use of it and will treasure it very very much.
Look at all the beautiful and delicious dishes that my husband, the chef, had prepared. Some vegetarian and some meatarian. And we rounded the dinner with purple rice and coconut milk dessert. We all had a lot to eat. And I am really blessed to have wonderful children, friends, and a good husband. They made my day so enjoyable and memorable.
Now, my one other wish is to be a grandmother. Who will make me the happiest person on earth?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Another year !

I cannot believe how fast the days go by everyday. It is time for another year of my life. I won't tell you how old I am, but I am old enough to be a senior citizen.
Oh well, I have to learn how to age gracefully. Even though I am of age, but mentally, I feel like I am still in my late 20s.
People are telling me that I don't look my age and that I look 10 years younger. Oh yay ! Will just take this as a compliment.
Tomorrow will be D Day. I am praying that this year, my life will be a more productive life. Meaning..more active in winning souls, more active in working on my spiritual life, more active in practicing what i learn and so on.
Pray for me that God will give me the strength.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year, 2009 !

Happy New Year every body ! We want to take this opportunity to wish all a very Prosperous and Healthy New Year !
We pray that the old ugly depressing 2008 's situations will never be back. And that this new 2009 will be better and prosperous for all.
But most important thing we should do is to get closer to the One who died for us and redeemed us from this sinful world. As Christ's coming is nearing, we should all be prepared so that when He comes, He will be able to gather all His priced jewels home.
This is our prayer. Have the best New Year !