
Thursday, June 30, 2011

More knitted stuffs

I know i know... this is summer, but everyday passes by too quickly. And before you know it, winter is here. So don't let time fly pass you and you miss the opportunity to order these cute stuffs for the someone you love.
The hat and booties are made from organic cotton and the poncho is made from boucle yarn.
Get ahead of everyone to do some Christmas shopping now.... Accumulate your gifts now so you don't need to rush with everyone else for the last minute shopping.

More knitted stuffs

Here are more of my work.
And they can be made to order.
Color, material and all.
This green poncho is made from organic cotton yarn. It is soft and bouncy. Suitable for 2 year olds. The cardigan is made of baby yarn. Long sleeves with small flowers attached. Suitable for 1 -2 year olds.

My knitted children's stuffs

Talking about are some of the samples of the cardigan / shawl/ ponchos that i had made for children. They should be packaged soon and be on sale to the public. I know this is summer, but do get ready for the cooler seasons to come.
You can get these for Christmas gifts or babies who just arrived into this world.
Look out for them on the internet , at the Wedding Pantry and stores...
All handmade and most importantly they are made with love.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My new dress

Make this dress today. Had a hard time joining the top to the skirt. It was in size 12. Oh boyd, I must have put on some weight !!! Big time !!!!
Got to go on diet now. It has frills on the shoulder but i took them off.
It's a little tight... got to do some exercises... and more yogurt !!

Monday, June 27, 2011


This is a shrug that i made some time back. It is made with light green organic cotton and it has elbow length sleeves. Very springy material and comfortable to wear. This is a medium size shrug.

Lianne and us

Lianne and us at the restaurant.
Lianne has grown so much. We have not seen her for a long time and now she is a little chatterbox and fun to play with.
Cannot believe how time flies and how fast little children grow,
It was a fun lunch at the Mission 261 restaurant in Las Tunas. Sabine was baptized in a Catholic Church this day. 06/26/2011

My model

This earflap hat really looks good on Sabine.
From now on, she will be my model.
So glad that they love the hat.
Will be making more as soon as I am done with the rest of my projects.

How it looks on a real baby

This is how the dress looks on the baby.
I am so glad that they like the dress especially the baby...
Naw, she is chuckling because we are making her laugh.
Such a cute little baby !

Sunday, June 26, 2011

corrected dress

Thought i'd make this dress look more cute. Added rubber band on the sleeves and a bow in the front.
Also made the neckline a little bigger in case her head is bigger than what i originally had.
Quite satisfied with the correction and will see if they like it.
Today we are going to the luncheon for the baby's baptism.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Great Party

We had the privilege last night to attend a party at the Wedding Pantry. The vendors and decorators arrived at almost 2 to put up the decors. We had fun in helping out. Just as we thought how we could accomplished so much in such a short time when people started to arrive.
Next the Soho Taco guys came. They were a friendly bunch of people. As the vendors and people arrived, tables were set up for their products. Everyone was so artistic and talented. The tables were really well set.
More and more people came and the line for tacos were so amazingly long. We jumped in too to get a taste of the vegetarian tacos. It was really good and there is a container of really hot Jalapenos sauce. So much sweets and food all over and so many people.
There were cupcakes different kinds. Horchata, Mexican chocolate, Mojitos cupcakes etc. Then there was the cotton candy lady, and also some natural tortilla chips, and Vodka mix which we didn't try...cuz we are not drinkers of those.
The DJ was playing his music and everyone loved him. He played nice music and made the surrounding happy.
We got to meet Landon, Darla's baby and held him. He is such a cute baby and he cooed and smiled when we spoke to him. Such a dear !
Then Henny and Gabriel came and i got to hold him too. He is growing so big and was a little shy. He is now looking more like a white boy. Hahaha.. He loves his mom and cannot be away from her for too long. We had a good time together though.
It was a long night and people left the party late. It was wonderful meeting up with old friends and meeting some new ones. A fun night at the Wedding Pantry !

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Baby girl's dress

This little dress is made today for a sweet baby. This coming Sunday she will be having a baptism at her grandma's church.
It took me a few hours to tediously sew this dress. Cannot wait to see if it fits her well.
This pattern is made in the smallest size.
Oh and the bag was designed by me to carry this little dress.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Vegetarian Restaurant

Sometimes we cannot rely on advertisements about things that are advertised.
We have heard an ad about this new Vegetarian Restaurant in Las Tunas. We shall keep its name secret to protect the business.
We visited it after a long search along La Tunas cuz we didn't have the address at hand. Just when we were about to throw in the towel, we saw it right in front of us.
It was formerly a cafe ran by a HK owner which had all kinds of authentic HK foods. Now it is a vegetarian restaurant.
The waitresses were very friendly and it was comfortable going there. We ordered some food and it didn't really take too long to come. The dishes that the food came in looked nice..mostly white and they also provided metal chopsticks. The food were very pricey- $8.95 and above per dish. The food came and they weren't as tasty as we expected them to be. After trying out this place, we decided that it will be our first and last meal there.

Monday, June 20, 2011

hand towels

Here are the hand towels that I made today.
A fun project. This towel can be hung from the towel rack and it is convenient for anyone who needs to wipe his or her hands.
A decorative button at the top to lock the towel onto the rack. It comes with different colors and designs.
It can be made to order too... They are good as gifts or for home use.

Felt flower

This is another craft that i enjoy making, but not without a price though. The price is being burnt by the glue gun. I could have been more careful.....
Love how the flower turned out. You can fluff the petals and it will become a ball. Cute !

Care for a doughnut?

This is a fun project. Found this craft from the internet.
I love making pincushions and this is one that is really fun to make.
It takes time for the sewing, but when done, it looks cute.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


These are the last bunch of loquats from my tree.
They are so unbelievably delicious !!!
I will have to wait for another season to eat these fruits. Good thing about it is that they bloom twice a year.
So I cannot wait for the next bloom. Hopefully soon. Will find out when the next bloom be.

Sabbath walk

This is the bud of passion fruit
This is the passion fruit flower that we found today. The flowers are so beautiful. This is the fruit .
All I have to do now is to wait for the fruits to turn yellow before i venture to pick them up.

Friday, June 17, 2011


I was planning on making a gift for an old friend's birthday. And as i was working on it, this thought came to mind.... making a bookmark which turned into bookmarks.
These things are so popular now...the fan circle.
It was fun making them. The others are just cut outs. These are things I love to make.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Another Apron

Here's another apron that i made today.
It has appliques on the pockets and along the sides of the pockets and the top of the chest area.
It is made of beige satin and pieces of fabric from Joanne's.
This take only about 3 hours from cutting to sewing. Fun !

The Wedding Pantry

This is Eva's store in Tustin. I love the window displays. Each month a vendor will display her products or designs. Often, people passing by will stop to look at the displays. The month of May has the best display I dare say. Some people even told me how much they love them.
I hope that someday, I will be professional enough to put up some display as well.
Like the displays, Eva's products and stations (rearranged )move every so often too. She has lots of ideas and plans for this shop. And we are excited about the progress. When you do come around Tustin, please drop in to visit her. Check online for her website and see what she has in store. That's how a lot of people find her too.


These are the chalkboards that Roland made for Eva's store. I love them cuz they are trendy and cute.
Rather than having them just black, these are so adorable !
They are newly improved and write so much better.
His chalkboards do sell well. So brides, do take a look at these ones. You will love them. And they can be made to order too.
Roland is such a talented guy. So proud of him !

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Little girl's apron

This little girl's apron took me more time to make than i intended to. Cannot believe it is more difficult than adults' apron.
But it is a result that I am please with.
It is the smallest size of all the sizes in the pattern.
Planning to make a few soon as i get some cutezie fabrics.

Little Jamie

Little Jamie is the cutest little baby. He loves me and i love him. Whenever he sees me, he talks so much although he is bearly 1. ( Not real words of course) He loves to tell me about dogs and cats.
Before he was born, I did a calculation for his mom to see if he was a boy and girl. And it was a boy. So when his mom went for the scan she found out that they were having a boy just as i had calculated.
Since then, I have been talking to him and therefore he could recognize my voice.
He is such a cutey. His sister Mia ( look at that face) She is still slightly jealous of him but she loves him at the same time. They are both good kids and we love them dearly. This day, she graduated from Kindergarten.....we were there to celebrate with them. And the date was May 31 , 2011 AUS adventist school.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Blue Apron

This is another apron that I had made yesterday at the sewing class.
It is made for people who are of medium size.
Big pocket in the center and laces wrapped along the edge of the skirt.


An apron that I had made today. This is going to Eva's Wedding Pantry for sale.
I like how the Pokka Dots looked. Hope it will sell soon.

My crochet bag /purse

The reason to make this bag was to give it as a gift to a young friend. This was made with a organic cotton yarn. Upon completion, the touch and feel of this bag made me changed my mind. So now it is in my possession.
I love the softness and springy feeling of this bag.
She received another bag that I had made instead. From what I heard, she truly loves that bag.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sabbath find.

We have always walked along this path on our Sabbath walks for couple of years. I have always wondered what species of flower this is.
It is only recently that we learned that this is a passion fruit flower.
These flowers just grow wildly along the sides of the fence. I supposed someone had planted the fruit before it was divided into plots of lands for houses.
These passion flowers have a very nice and pleasant fragrance. It was the fragrance that aroused my curiosity about them. Soon these flowers will turn into fruits. Now that i know what they are, I will eat them just to know what it tastes like.
If you look carefully, you will find a bee collecting honey. What a blessed day and a blessed find !

Friday, June 10, 2011

My inspiration art

Have you ever been inspired the minute you woke up from your sleep?
This was what inspired me Tuesday of this week. Somehow somewhere in the back of my brain, I have the urge to experiment making this "flower."
Hurriedly, I made a request to my very handy husband to cut the stand for me.
And there, the two of us came up with this design.(actually more me than him).
I wanted it to be a place card for special occasions. Perhaps someday, someone will find some usage for this ''flower".
Oh well, there is always room for improvement.....