
Thursday, July 14, 2011

My cute little nephew

This is my cutest little nephew from my baby brother, Anthony and of course his sweet dear wife, Joyce.
The 2 of them equal a cute little boy.
Although i have not met him in person, I already fell in love with him. He is such a cutie pie.
Jayden is was born Feb 6th 2011. He is now 5 months old.
He has a very cheery personality and he loves to chat. I have skyped with him before and he spoke to me in his baby language.
I cannot wait to see him. I wish to see him end of this year if things work out for us.
Look at that sweet face..who wouldn't fall in love with him.
Oh, I really want to go and meet him in person. It all depends on what GOD has planned for us.

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