
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Beautiful sky

It makes me happy to hear that my niece, Kimberly, has done well in her studies. It is difficult to do well at school for children in Singapore. Parents are very competitive, and everyone steps on each other to have their children go to the best schools. When i say "step on each other" I really mean, they will do all in their means to have their children work hard to achieve.
To be able to be at the 8th position in the whole school, is not an easy task. So we want to celebrate this happy occasion. Yay, hurray for Kimberly ! Keep up your good work !
Another happy announcement is that my brother in law is recovering very well from his injuries.
He is able to talk and eat now. He has come to term with himself... being humbled by this accident, he has asked for forgiveness from everyone whom he thinks he has wronged.
It takes a real man to realize his shortcomings and able to apologize for them. Yay, hurray for my brother in law. We are proud of him. I am sure now that his heart is freed from any hard feelings he had harbored for so long.. A good thing to celebrate.

Monday, October 27, 2008

New designs

This is one of the patterns I found while going through the tutorial for this embroidery machine.
It is interesting to know some of the things that I have been doing wrong before I read the instructions.
It pays to read them before I venture into it without really knowing how. Here is another design I found there.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

How to lose some weights

We heard this doctor who was an evolution lecturer who turned christian, gave a lecture on health.
We were told that we don't really need a lot of protein because we are already a body of protein. And extra protein gives you a whole lot of unneeded troubles. ( will elaborate in my next blog on health ) And in order to lose weights, walking is the best way. Brisk walking, not the hard walking that makes you pant. And of course no eating between meals... a hem, that will be something I have to deal with.
But being a vegetarian will help as well. Lots of fruits and vegetables. We rather eat vegetable protein than animal proteins. So remember the next time before you put animal protein in your mouth, you need to consider some of these facts: you will release stinky gas, get constipation, put extra proteins that your body really doesn't need, illnesses..etc.
Be true to yourself, take good care of yourself and stay healthy.

Poor Baby !

Poor baby..... he cannot take his diet too well. He gets hungry all the time. Oh look, I made him look so skinny here..
He will have to learn that trash is not a place to have his tummy filled. Chocolates are not good for him either. He ate 3 whole bags of chocolates... I wonder if he was sick after that. I would be sick after eating 3 bags full... one for the master, one for the dame...just kidding.
But he really did eat 3 bags full of chocolates. What was his consequence? He had to have his stomach pumped out. I am sure after this experience he will never want to see another chocolate again. By the way, Happy Belated 6th Birthday, Sebastian ! Oh, now i know why he ate those chocolates. We have forgotten to celebrate his birthday for him, and so he celebrates it himself by eating chocolates.... !

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Trip canceled !

Out of the kindness of our friends' the trip has been canceled.
They think we need more time to rest.
So we will go on another day which is alright with us.
Although I kind of look forward to this trip, I don't mind waiting till we are strong and not contagious to go.
So you will see us this weekend....hopefully healthy and strong and not contagious.

An accident

This is not the car that my brother in law was driving, but I believe it was as totaled as this can be.
He is a taxi driver in Singapore.( correction: he was driving a 10ft truck that day) A speeding trailer hit him on Monday. He sustained serious injuries and is very much in pain. He has flesh ripped off from his body and a big ripped on his mouth to his ear. So glad to know that he is much better today and will be going in for plastic surgery. We are praying for him and we are just thankful that he is still alive. We cannot feel his pain which must be really intense, but we can imagine how painful that must be. His bones are all crushed and out of places. The doctors are working to align them in place.
Reminds me of the accident I had in this car. My angels were with me then. I cannot imagine escaping from serious injuries after being hit by a 80,000 lbs vehicle ! Look at my brother in law. It is a miracle that I escaped with only a minor scratch. My guardian angels were working over time that day! I thank God everyday that I am alive. We should not take our being alive for granted. We don't know what is ahead of us. Only God can protect us. And we pray everyday for our love ones.

on cloudy days

On days like these, my whole being is helpless and useless. Oh how I hated to be sick !
The day before, Roland was sick with a very bad cough. His voice became hoarse and his muscles ached from coughing. I had a feeling that I was coming down with something. So drank a lot of water and tried to get a restful sleep. But sickness is no respecter of persons. It was too late. It struck me at the end. Yesterday, I was a piece of useless junk. My whole day was filled with heaviness, tiredness and dealing with a runny nose. It was not too bad in the morning, but once the full bloom struck, I was as helpless as a new born baby.
Roland by this time has gotten better. He always steps up to his plate when nursing me back to health.
So glad that I am much much better today. The clouds are gone and thank Jesus, He has healed me. I talked and pleaded with Him last night. Being sick is no fun. And thank You, Lord, for healing me. Now watch out people, drink a lot of water and get plenty of rest. For those people who sleep late and get up out.
Since Clara stops coming to our home , we have been sleeping really late and getting up at the same time every morning.(early) Guess that kind of life is out. We are back to getting enough sleep and living a normal healthy life.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The 3 hats lady

Here is another experimental hat.
I have always wanted to learn how to crochet the curved brim. And here it is.
Did this in less than an hour.
At the meantime, also learning how to digitize my artwork.

This is the other hat

This is a floppy hat. The pattern requested a flower, but I substitute it with a lace flower that I have created.
Will be bringing these hats for the trip this Sunday.

My new hats

This is one I crocheted last night. This can be done in 45 or less minutes.
This pattern was taken from a pattern book.
Now i have 2 new hats that I have made.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Cool gadget !!!

What a cool toy to have.... ! We are playing with this new gadget that Derek gave last night.
By the way, is that really for us??
We can put it in our car and watch dvds and cool !

Trip confirmed

Correction: It is not walking distant... Julian is 4 miles from where RV park is. So we will drop by and pick apples first before we go to the RV park.
We have been told that this coming Sunday the 26th of Oct, we will be going to Julian .... where apples are in abundance.
Sounds like it is going to be chilly over there in the night...40 some degree. And it is walking distance to where the apples are.
I am looking forward to this trip becuz if you have already known me you will know that I love to venture to places where no one has ever gone before... ha haha,...
More like places where I have never gone before.
So I will be taking a lot of pictures, and my poor camera will be overworked again.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Gown for a princess

Any princess small enough to wear this pretty handmade gown or dress?
It is a handkerchief dress. Easy to make and fun to do.
Pink is my favourite color. If only I can make it into an adullt size dress, that will be so pretty to wear.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My first experiment on creating

This is the first experiment on creating my own design.
This picture is drawn by my son, Derek, long time ago.
Just happened to find it on his pc.
Very happy with the result. Still learning about my new machine.
Yay !!!!

Picture of myself

After a long time reading the information on how to create your own design, I am now able to produce this... my very own design and drawing.
Doesn't that look like me???? ... maybe in my younger days ! Ha ha ha...
So happy to be able to learn this. Thanks to my son who bugs me about it.
Guess i just needed a little push !
Thank you, son !

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Does this look familiar?

This is a bag that Charm left for me.... so here is the completion of the whole bag in the front.
I was going to put Bridesaurus... but was afraid that the word is too long.
But I am going to do it on the back.

The right side up version

Here is where I totally got it.
But also learn some lessons from here. Although I have used red color for the main thread, the bottom thread has to be red too as shown in the heart.
Note to self.... make sure the up and down have the same color.

more experimentaion

It is fun to experiment embroidering on a bag.
I had a hard time finding where the rotation button is. But after searching, I found it.
But mentally, I still hadn't figure out which direction this should be rotated.
Therefore, this first experimentation gave me the upside down view....
But I learn quickly... see the next picture.

Joint pain?

There are 3 ways to keep your joints from hurting. 1) Exercise. Yes, regular activities can help to relieve joint pain and stiffness, and strengthens your joints.
2)Watch your weight. Heavy body weights can put stress on our joints. The heavier we are, the more stress we put on our bodies.
3) Give it a rub. There are many ointments in the stores we can get to rub on our joints. Heat treatment, muscle rubs...etc.
Try all these and keep your joints strong and healthy.
Have fun !

Food labels a trap????

I have noticed people studying the labels on food products before buying them. But can we really rely on the information labeled there?
Do you know the labels on these food products can be deceiving in a way that when they labeled it as low fat, people tend to overindulge in eating more than they should? Someone we know who is on low salt diet. But just because the label says low salt, more salt were sprinkled onto the food. I am sure you have seen people doing that. Just because the label says Fat Free, people tend to eat more of it.
Remember your intake even it is labeled fat free, low fat, low salt etc.... when you eat more than you should, it equals to the same amount of the food that you were trying to stay away from.
So if you want to be true to your diet, eat moderately and don't overindulge !

Monday, October 13, 2008


Looks like my vacation comes early this year.
I have just been told that Clara's mom will stay home for maternity leave now.
Her original plan was to work till end of the month, but the heaviness of her unborn child is too much to bear. Therefore she will have her maternity leave earlier than she had planned.
Oh well, that means I get to enjoy my vacation till another child comes in.
Better take this opportunity to clean up the house and do whatever I wanted to do.....
I am glad in a way, but on the other hand, that means no income.
I am not going to worry about it... que sera sera.

A look into a future trip

There is a potential trip coming up in 2 weeks.
Right now our plans are still pending as this huge mobile home is in the repair shop or garage.
Tentatively, we will be going to Julian end of October. Where is this place? I have no clue. But I know that it is where apples are in abundance. It is about 123 miles from here and seems to be up a mountain.
Wherever that is, I am looking forward to go becuz we will be able to pick apples and drink fresh apple juices. And this time we are much more prepared as far as foods are concern.
Moreover that place has hookups, so we don't have to be thrifty with water or electricity.
That means we can have showers....
Though it maybe a 2 day fun trip, it is good enough for us.
Well, we will update on this if we do go.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Master Crafter

You should have seen the craft master at work. It looks as easy as 1 2 3.... The sawing , cutting and shaping make a lot of noise, but the end product is extraordinary. She should become a craft master of all crafts.. Can you imagine her carving faces or images out of all kinds of fruits, melons, pumpkins, squashes and anything creatable? Wouldn't it be interesting to see?

Beautiful Bundle of Joy !

A splitting image of Andy, don't you think?
She is such a beautiful little baby. And I am proud to say that she is my half granddaughter.
Boy, we are going to spoil her rotten!
Watch out, parents !
Look at this 2nd picture....... everyone will be in agreement that she looks like Andy. This is how Andy looks when he is asleep...ha hahaaa...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Terrible piece

Talk about trials that test my patience. This piece almost took all my patience from me. Half way through, the thread in the bobbin ran out. Then it broke all the embroidery needles that i have. (6 in all )
At the end, my patience almost ran out. I used an ordinary needle and "hah" it worked and worked even better.
Sometimes recommendation from the instruction book is not useful. Just go with your instinct.

Sebastian baby

Hope Sebastian likes this one. It takes a long time to get it done, cuz I have to deal with the thread and all that.
He looks as cute as Sebastian himself.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Slippers for Cinderella

The trip to Chinatown this afternoon was a fun trip. Mrs Pitts and I enjoyed looking at all the stuffs they have at the stores. We inquired about the prices of clothes to shoes to pots and pans. In the end, we bought these pairs of slippers fitted for Cinderella.... so shiny and pretty. They were a good deal too. 3 pairs for $5. And the slipper part is made of thick material not those thin, skinny ones that you get from 99cts stores. It was a good deal and I bought some huge pomegranates too for a good price.
It was fun and it was also tiring to our eyes. But a good day overall.

Karaoke Queen

Hey........ she would start by singing this. (in chinese ) And then follows the actions of the songs. She requests for this whenever she is here....
Oh boy, this is competition for me. (only one microphone is working) Problem is,- it would have been fun singing with her, but she only has one vcd that she likes and none other.
So we have to listen or sing the same songs over whenever she comes.
She loves to dress up too like the people in the songs....

Monday, October 6, 2008

Oh boyd !

Oh me oh my ! Who invented this game called." same same". And thanks to the one who introduced it to us !
Now my eyes are seeing colors and butt hurt from sitting !
And husband and wife are competing each other. for the highest score..animosity, hostility etc....
Oh, can't see anymore. And it is late too.
Not that i am complaining... my eyes are so bad now, I cannot even see what I am typing...
Got to go to bed.....ouch ouch ouch...can't stand up from sitting so long !

Another Bridal Show

Oct 5th, 2008...another Bridal Show in Knotts Hotel by Knotts Berry Farm.
I like this setting a little better cuz it looks classier. Don't think the number of exhibitors are lesser than the one in Costa Mesa, but it does looked so. We were on the 3rd floor and there was another on the 9th. Too bad this time we didn't get to see the Fashion Show or listen to the silly MC screaming his head off.
The overall result was more solid and we had an extra pair of strong helping hands which we very much needed. Charmaine came as an exhibitor, but at the same time, she got herself a "Bride to be" sticker... sneaky her ! Anyways, we think she had a good time walking around collecting souvenirs, and eating those cupcakes and cookies......! So so sweet...blehhhh...

Here is Chuck

I got to make one for Sebastian too.
Hope that looks like Chuck.
Too many things in my mind now.
Got to work on something else now before my thoughts can be put together.

Name calling

Derek's Charm and now Craig'sdEva.
I enjoy giving new names.
This looks good, don't you think?
Going to keep practicing till it is perfect !

Experimenting with a towel material

This is a dish towel. Hope you can read what it says on it... Derek's Charm.
For those who know the meaning....very good.
You are very wise. Don't think we need further explanation. It is quite an experiment to work on the towel material.
And I hope you guys don't think this is a fish. It is a dolphin.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Test your vision

Want to see if you have good eye sight? See if you can see the little birdie by the jacuzzi pool.
This little birdie will come to the pool everyday almost at the same time as if it has an appointment with the water.
Clara and I watch while he frolics around the pool area. I want to say that this is a baby bird. It is the way he flies that I determined it so. He tries many times to fly over the retaining wall, but failed. He makes several more attempts, and in the end flies away to some lowly plains. Such a little bird, but it has a huge patience. Try and try until all else failed.

Want to loose weight?

Just read another article about weight loss. Do you know that eating yogurt can help you shed weights?
It seems that the calcium rich yogurt has the ability to hinder fat storage and boost fat loss.
People who eat the creamy calcium rich yogurt everyday, loss a whopping 61 percent more fat overall and 81 percent fat around the waist.
For all of us who are so afraid of having a bubbly, shaky belly here is the secret.
Anyways, yogurts are yummy to eat too. So why not give it a try. I am going to start eating more yogurts from now on.
Have fun experimenting !

Long lost friends

So excited to hear from our friends whom we have lost touch with for years.
Dr. Tat Low and Mary are our friends for since our daughters were babies. It will make us friends for almost 30 years. Our children used to play together when we were working in the hospital. And then we visited them in Penang when they went back there to work.
It has been a long time since we have seen each other. All of a sudden 4 years ago, we met their daughter. We kept in touch for a while (the parents and us) and then we were disconnected again.
Now 4 years had passed, she writes to me. Her 3 children are all here in the States and they are back in Australia. We will meet again in April of next year, because Selina will be getting married in Loma Linda. I have informed her that Eva is a wedding planner and coordinator should she need any help. Cannot wait to see them again.
So so happy !

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Practice makes perfect

Well, I wouldn't say it is perfect as yet.
But it is getting better by the minute.
It is also fun to do this. I had sewn a pink flower and birthday words in blue. But all of a sudden the lower bobbin ran out of thread.... bummer !
So this is actually a repeat.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Remedy for migraine headache

Here are the herbs that will help your migraine headache. Sandalwood, lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus. ( essential oils )
What you do is you put these oils in hot or cold water which ever you prefer. Dip a towel in the solution, and then place them on where the hurt your head.
See if it will help. Or you can drink the juice of ripe grapes. I heard it helps too... Just don't take any drugs that claim to heal this.
They don't. Try the natural ways.
Good luck !
Will pray for you too.

No one can make me leave !!!!

I am not leaving... no one can make me leave!
I want to stay with my maker....
No matter what happens, I am staying.

I think I am beautiful !

I think I am beautiful...
Don't you think?

Oh no !

I just heard that my maker is giving me away to soothe a baby who is not even born yet.
I have to be a companion to this baby and boo hoo, I refuse to do so.

I am now protesting..... no one can make me leave my maker......


Hello, my name is Knitty Sue.
This is the first production my maker made of me.
Do you like me?
I think I look pretty ok.

Another production

The embroidery machine is taking a hold of me. Makes me want to spend all my time with it. It is fun when you see little images appear as the machine goes..chug a chug a chug...
Those that I am practicing to embroidery is getting better. Yay !
I have also embroidered some letters.
Like this little kitty cat.
It is so cute.
It's amazing to see how the machine can do its work and image.
Makes me admire the person who invented this amazing machine.