
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Another trip is coming in 2 weeks

Looks like a trip is coming up for us and our friends. It will be on the 20th of Sept., a Saturday.
We are going to a mysterious location by the beach where RVs can be parked.
It's either we didn't ask for the name of the location or it is going to be a surprise for us.
All we know is that it is going to be by the beach front. Our view at night will be the ocean. ( I hope there is no sea monster that comes out in the middle of the night to attack people.... i gotta stop watching the scifi channels )
We will be there till Monday. And that we should be bringing a sweater for it will be cold at night. We will be sleeping in the RV and doing everything in the RV.
Mmm i should bring some board games and knitting to do.
There will be lots of pictures and in my next post will be stories to tell.
So be on the alert. Exciting stories will be coming up.

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