
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tea Drinking

Don't know how much of a tea drinker you are. But I just read another article about tea drinking. Do you know that tea is good for us? I prefer those without caffeine. Anyways, here are why you should drink tea. 1) They are tummy tuckers. Especially the green tea...according to the study.
2) They give you a youthful glow on your skin.
3) They help with our immune system.
Catechins in tea help our hearts too. And they boost metabolism. Burn fuels.
Do you know why chinese people look younger than their age? They drink a lot of tea. And why most chinese people are slimmer? They drink hot tea after each least, the older generations did that. It seems that tea washes away the fats that were in the foods. Therefore, no fats remain in the body.
Our body will destroy the catechins in the tea. But a squeeze of lemon will preserve it.
Mmmm lemon tea is plenty fine.
Next time you think of not drinking tea, think of this.

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