
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Poor Sebastian

Why is he looking so pooped? Ahem, we should whisper this....come closer and listen carefully... Sebastian has just gone for the "snip, snip". He had it done today. Therefore, he is still groggy from the anesthesia. On the brighter side, he won't be humping his pillow as much now.
Also he has lost a lot of weight. He is now 112 instead of 127 lbs. Yeah, Sebastian!!! All these dieting worked for him. But the vet wants him to target his weight to 95 lbs. More work for him to do to reach that target.
We are cheering him on and we know he will be able to accomplish that. For all who are going on a diet, remember how Sebastian does it. He eats once a day now, I think. And he takes long walks faithfully. Maybe he will be an inspiration for all of you/ us...weight watchers.

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