
Monday, September 1, 2008

guavas...yummy !

Here are 3 guavas that are ripe for eating. Yummy ! It smells so good and tastes even more fantastic ! It is both sweet and tart...yet not so tart that you dislike it.
It is so good right now.... Hope that rest will grow bigger. Yum !


Eva said...

YUMMMMMMMMM save me SOME!!!!!!

Susan Says Sew said...

No problem. When more are ripe, you will definitely get them.
They are really really yummy !!!!

Unknown said...

i second that YUUUUMMMMM...and I thought I didn't like guavas.

Susan Says Sew said...

Hahaaa, good thing you change your mind about this guava fruit. Maybe you had bad experience with guavas before. I am glad you like it.