
Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Guavas

This year, my lovely guavas are producing again. The first year when we planted it, it yielded about 50-60 pcs and they were so delicious !
The guavas are yellow outside and very bright pretty pink inside. They are soooo good !
Then the year after, my handyman, gardener, poolman etc, decided to give it a trim. Oh boy, that was it ! It was very unhappy. And we only gotten about 3 fruits from the tree that year. Sorry my dear son and daughter, you guys didn't get to taste them.
So I told my lovely husband not to touch my tree unless I gave the ok. And on my part, I had to talk to the tree. Water it with lots of water and love. And this year, wa la ! More fruits came out. They are now still very small and are gradually growing bigger.
My neighbor told me the same thing happened to her tree. Her "real" gardener gave it a pretty good cut. Now it is still in its angry fruits. So I told her that she is welcome to enjoy some of my guavas when they are ready. There is a branch with lots of fruits hanging over to her side. Whatever is over that side, she can have them.
Afterall, fruits are blessings we get from above. So why not share them.
I am anxiously waiting for them to be ripen, so we can have guava juices and guava fruits.

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