
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Peaches all through summer

This summer, we are enjoying a lot of peaches. Thank God for this blessing. The first year, we only had about 20 peaches. But though few in number, they were sugar sweet and big.
Last year, we had about 50 of them....
And thank the Lord, this year, we have over 300 of them. We harvested them in buckets. Most of our neighbors enjoyed the blessings of this fruit.
We shared with all our dear friends and even people who worked around our home.
This tree really has been a great blessing for us. We have peach jams, frozen peaches, peach pies, peach everything. What a peachy life !
There is nothing to complain about and life is good when GOD blesses us with abundance of peaches...
As promised in the Bible, when you do what He says, even your garden will yield abundantly for you. Thank You Jesus. He is Great !

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