
Sunday, August 31, 2008

My greeny pumpkins

The pumpkins now are darker green in color and somewhat bigger. They are sharing nutrients all at one time so they are not growing as big as the first 4.
Some of them that i thought would grow big, had withered. So right now, I am officially only having 5 pumpkins. Survival of the pumpkins. Oh well, 5 is too much to handle already.
Just be thankful I have one.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Vegetables that are good for your lungs

Another health news flash !
Read that watercress is a good vegetable for your lungs. It is a peppery vegetable and is related to mustard.
They help keep lungs of smokers and non smokers healthy. The study shows that people who eat this vegetable: cereal bowls of them for 8 weeks show great benefit; less DNA damage to white blood cells.
This vegetable is full of goodies. A lot of vitamins and nutrients you need and also it can thwart the growth of carcinogen cells too.
Now here is an idea for someone very dear to us who needs this vegetable.
So watercress it is !

A full view

This is a full view of the pumpkins that are growing together. Actually, the pumpkins that had grown in my garden before don't grow 4 or 5 or even 7 together at one time. They used to be like fighting with each other..the survival of the fetus. So only the strongest survived and mostly like 2 at a time. But this time, to my amazement, they are growing together in harmony! I counted again this morning. I had 7 before. And due to the above scenario, only 6 are truly surviving. But I have noticed also some new little ones coming out. Hopefully, they will not turn yellow and die off like some of the weaker ones.
The other day our friend, Polly, treated us to dinner. We ate at the Coconut Bay. A Thai place in the City of Industry. For desert, she ordered pumpkin. This is what they do. The same kind of pumpkin above, cooked and then steamed with custard. So it is a sweet desert. Very interesting. We have decided to try this new recipe out when my pumpkins are ready to be eaten.

This other pumpkin

You can see this a little better. Look at the color and the size. This and another melon grow faster and bigger than the one that I have been showing. They were smaller than that before but now they are catching up very fast. Reminds me of children in a family. When you think one child will grow faster than the other, the opposite happens. Life is like a box of chocolates, you don't know what you will get.

Growing older?

I am not sure if you could see the differences in size. But most definitely, the melon has grown bigger. And the color is changing to a deeper green. The others are growing bigger too.
This time, I am going to be overwhelmed with 7 nan kwas at one time!

I am a grand aunt again!

Here is a picture of my brand new grand niece. She is my brother's granddaughter. What a lovely little bundle of joy! She was born May 30, 08.
She looks so much like her daddy. That young man is her brother. He looks like his mommy. So handsome. Altogether this niece of mine have 3 children. They are D, C and C.
I am just so happy to hear of her birth.
When will I be a grandma????
Maybe patience will pay off....ha ha haaa

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Where is the complaints department?

Right now I just want to say that I am very unhappy with the accident attorney.
It has been 3 years and he is still working on my case.. I don't mind if he is working part time on my case or something, but I don't think he is at all.
He ditches my calls and is very bad about calling me back. Right now, my bills are not paid. Does he know about it? Oh yes. Does he care?
I just don't know. He ditches my call all the time. Makes me think that he is sleeping on his job. Venting my frustration. But I don't really care if he gets me any financial benefits. I just want my case settled and my bills paid. I should have called Larry H Parker instead ! Hah, at least he gets millions for his clients ! I don't know about Welch and Welch.... the juices are good for drinking, but the attorney???? I don't think they have a connection. Please don't quote me. Ha ha haaa.... Oh well, I am just thankful that I am alive today. Being alive is better than anything else. So thank You again, Jesus !

Here comes the snail

Here is the comparison. Here is the incomplete snail and the completed one.
What do you think?
Hope it will crawl very slowly to you...
ha hahaaa...

Tone muscles with peaches ?

Wow, I just read an article too about peaches. You can tone your muscles with eating peaches. It seems that potassium-rich produce -- like peaches -- gives your muscles what they need to stay toned, healthy, and able to do their jobs. Wow, isn't it good news? I have lots and lots of them and let's see if it will tone up my muscles.... !

Trip to San Pedro Aquarium

What an amazing place to visit ! This is such an interesting place. There is a live pool where you get to touch live star fishes and corals. The curator explains about these creatures and tells you how you should touch/ treat them. It is a very informative and exciting place for little children. The children in my class enjoyed such trip and I am sure it will stay in their minds for a long time. It is exciting and fun to touch live starfishes and corals.
If you have small children and they lack excitement, this is the place to take them. After learning about the live creatures, you can walk around to see other creatures of the sea. Lots and lots of learning fun at this place. If that is not enough, you can also take them to the beach which is about a stone throw away from this aquarium.
Spend the whole day there in this amazing place. Let the little ones run wild and enjoy their day. You can relax and enjoy yourself too. What a time to spend with the family!

My class

When we first visited this church in San Gabriel, there were only about 2 or 3 children attending the Sabbath School. A lady asked if I would teach the class and seeing that they have no teachers, I decided to take the job after much praying.
We were given a class of our own in the upper chamber of the church. With God's grace, children came in and at times we have 10, but regularly about 6 or 7. They were such lovable children and learned pretty fast all that I taught them. They gave thanks to God in church every so often and were being loved by the congregation. Children learn quickly and most of them are able to memorize long sentences when they are asked to. These children made me proud all the time. It is a sad thing to have to leave them. After my departure, the children also left this place. I wonder often if I did the right thing.......

Our trip to Sedona, Arizona

A group of us crazies love to make trips whenever there is a long weekend. That year, it was on Labor Day some 3 or 4 years ago that we took the trip to Arizona. Our friends, Grace and Victor own a house in Arizona. They were gracious enough to put us up in their brand new home in Mariposa. We then drove to Sedona in our van and visited this place called Sinagua. This was where we ate and shopped. There are little stores where you see souvenirs and cutsy things. I got a good deal here as well. A crocheted shawl with beads and fringes for only $2. They were selling at $5. But the lady gave it to me for only $2. And it was a beautiful baby blue shawl too. It was a very memorable place for me...hahahaaa...cuz I bought a cheap thing there.
But seriously, this is a nice place to visit. Like to go back there again sometime when the gas price is better. This is not the only attraction. There are lots of nice places to walk and hike around. Visit it some time when you can.

Ha mi kwa (honey melon)

Ha mi means honey. These are the seeds of a honey melon. This is the picture of a honey melon that I had planted some time ago. I wonder if now is the time to put the seeds in? Let me tell you, this melon is so sweet that you think you are eating honey. It has running vines like the pumpkins. And they can go crazy too...running all over the place. That year when the melons were growing, I had about 4 of them. They weren't as sweet as the mother melon, maybe because I had harvested them earlier than I should have. So this time, I will be patient and wait till they are ready to be harvested. These new seeds were from a super sweet and juicy melon. So hopefully, they will be just as sweet and juicy when they are ready. I will save some seeds for another time so as to have melons every season. Oh, looks like this is a summer fruit. (note to self).

Any changes?

This is t he newest picture... the one at the bottom.
Do you see a difference? Is it growing bigger?
I think the color has changed to more yellow and green. It has grown quite a bit.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Highly recommended

This is certainly a very interesting place to visit. This home belonged/ belongs to Mrs Ellen G White who was the founder of the SDA's church.
It is called Elm's Haven. The story of how she bought this house was a miracle of its own.
Well, I will not spill the beans and tell you everything because it is more fun for you to visit it on your own, and learn of all the interesting and inspiring stories about Mrs White.
Believe me, you will enjoy the beautiful stories the curator will tell you. I did !
Try visit this place someday soon.


Sometime, somehow, somewhere, someone will marry.
Getting married is not an easy thing to do. There are commitments, obligations, work, and a whole life changing event.
Preparation for the wedding is tough as well.
But there is always outside help and also can be very affordable depending on what your requirements are.
I happen to know of a very good program coordinator and wedding planner who is fantastic with her job.
She is classy and very organized and most of all very experienced in dealing with things you need for your wedding.
If you are interested here is her website.
Have a great day.... !

Croissant # 2

How do these look to you? Second and third batch. Hope they are good as well.

Croissants... I did it !!

Here are the croissants that I made today. They don't have the croissant shape but they do have the light and fluffy texture. It takes almost the whole day to get them done.
Will I do this again? Maybe. It depends on what comments I will get.
For me, it tasted good. ( too fluffy ) But that is only my opinion. And I am the worst critic of myself.
Ha ha...any takers? Any volunteer tasters?

What bargains !

Some people, like me, like to shop at the thrift stores. Some days my trip there can be very fruitful and some days not so.
On this trip to the thrift store, I found a brand new Japanese bread machine. The cost is only $4.95. A brand new machine ! On top of that is this brand ! What a bargain ! Oh, I am making croissant right now. And it comes with a recipe book too.
The yarn is not from the thrift store but you do get such yarns at times. I had gotten many yarns of such nature or even better ones from this particular store that I often go to.
But this cotton yarn from Sugar and Cream was from Michael's. The regular price for this yarn is about $7. At Walmart, they sell for $6 something. On this particular day, I got the cotton yarn for only $1.30. On the for sale shelf it stated $5. But when the cashier rang it, it was $1 something. What a deal! Guess what, I went in and got myself a couple more...many more than a couple. I love it ! I love deals, don't you?

Handsome Sebastian

This is just for people who don't get to read Eva's blog. Look at the handsome and clean Sebastian who just came back from the groomer.
Isn't he a cutie?
He looks so white and handsome now.
My little white prince charming !

Health tip

These flowers have nothing to do with what i am about to say.
Just read something about losing weight.
Do you know that eating a lot of vitamin C can make you loose weight? Do you know why?
Here is why.. Vit. C is essential for creating carnitine, a substance that turns fat into fuel.
Isn't that nice to know?
Off to the market I will go to get some oranges.

I believe in miracles

Before I explain this, I have to tell you about an accident that I had in Nov. of 2005. ( btw, I am dressed ) From that accident on, I have this pain every now and then on my left side of my rib up and down...along that path. Thank goodness for high tolerant for pain, life goes on.
About a month ago, so many things happened to my body. I will spare you the detail and go to the main point of the story. A very excruciating pain along my accident site ( body) occured again. Having high tolerant for pain, it just gave me some discomfort(enough to have my husband rub medication on me every night). I ignored it because I figured it was the old wound. The funny thing with it was that, whenever I needed food, the pain would come. And after I ate, it went away. So I tested it a few times and it was so. On the 2nd or 3rd week of that irritable and naggy pain, I told myself that something has to be done. I have had enough. That night, I got up in the middle of the night. And I started praying to God about this nagging pain. You have to understand my emotion or being. I am one person that think that when such things happen, I think I am going to die. This crazy notion of mine is well known. Ask my old coworkers, they will tell you. Anyways, I had a very good talk with God. I told Him, You healed the sick, made the blinds to see and even raised the dead. This bugging pain on my side will not be a problem for You, Lord. I believe You. You are my Creator and the Greatest Physician. That night, I had such a peaceful sleep. And the next morning... you won't believe it. The nagging pain is no more nagging me. It was gone ! Praise God.. I didn't want to tell my children or anyone else until after the fact because I don't want anyone to worry about me. Only my dear sweet husband knew about it all the way. But the fact is God has healed me! Today, the pain is gone. I believe in miracles.
And this lump is nothing. I believe that God will heal me too... There is nothing God cannot do.
Thank You, Jesus !

Snail pillow

This pillow is not really complete yet. Just want to see how it looks on camera. Do you like the smile on its face? There are lots of correction to do before it will look pretty. Hee heeee !

no stopping progress 2

This is the 2nd picture taken the very next day right after the first picture. And this last one is taken today. See the differences in size? How they grow so fast is beyond my imagination. But I am glad that there is no stopping in this progress. If what we like to have or do can progress so quickly, will it be a good thing or a disaster? Mmmmm deep thoughts in progress...........

no stopping progress

This is the first picture I took of the pumpkins when they first got out.
And actually I had 3 pictures for comparison.
But somehow the pictures disappeared on me.
I need my computer consultant to tell me why.
But here is the picture of this one. The next 2 pictures will show how they have grown in size.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

From that to this

These sets of furniture are both given by Eva.
They are both comfortable but the brown ones are huge. I think the white or grey ones are smaller, but according to my smart husband, they are of the same size.
I like the both of them just as much. Take a poll..which one do you like better.
Thanks, my dear Eva for the new furniture.

No success

Here is a sad story to tell. Orchids have never been something that I will think of growing, at least, not in this life time I thought. But no one can tell when things happen. And I was given numberless orchid plants. I have learn to love orchids and also learn about the ways to grow/treat them.
No matter how much I try or whatever precautions I take, I can never grow them. Most of my orchids died on me. It is very disheartening for me to see my orchids die.
Look at this one. I have put lots of love on it. Sing, talk, nutrients, not over water or too much sun... it still dies on me. Mmmm, maybe it doesn't like my singing. My friends who have orchids have their orchids blooming left and right. And they do whatever I did too.
It just doesn't like me....
Oh well, let's see if the last of my orchid will survive. This other pot is being put in seclusion...away from a lot of sun. Hopefully, this other plant will live...a reward for the hard work that i have put in.

Great success

We love serrano chillies or any chillies that will give a kick / heat to our food. And this little serrano plant yields a lot of real heat chilly peppers. When it was first planted, it was a tiny skinny little plant...come to think of it, all my plants and trees came this way, especially the peach tree. Anyways, it yielded fruits immediately and it has been yielding faithfully whenever enough water is given. We all enjoy this chilly pepper plant and right now, more flowers are coming. Great success for this little plant.
Although it has to share the soil with the aloes, orange tree ( still little) and another peach tree, it is thriving very well. Like my friend, Ai Hoon, commented to me that my soil is very rich that is why my plants are growing so well. But I know that it is being blessed by our Creator.